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Top 30 Iron Man Comic Books by Value

30 Most Expensive Iron Man Comic Books

Tony Stark has been part of Marvel comic books history since 1963.

Top 30 Iron Man Comic Books by ValueTop 30 Iron Man Comic Books by Value

Additionally, as a founder member of the Avengers, Iron Man has appeared in many of the epic MCU movies of the past decade or so.

His critical importance to movies and comic books makes Iron Man one of the most collectible characters of all time.

But which comics featuring Iron Man are worth big money?

This page will help you to identify key issues of Iron Man. But if this is all too much for you to work out on your own, fear not.

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Top 30 Iron Man Comic Books

Tales of Suspense #39
Origin and First Appearance of Iron Man

Lowest price $2,900

Average price $7,000

Record price $840,000

One of the Marvel mega-keys from the Silver Age that will always be in demand. Tony Stark's creation of Iron Man has become a pillar of the MCU.

Founder member of the Avengers and standalone hero in his own right.

Rather like the Hulk, Iron Man comic books debuted with his armor being gray. Over several issues, it would change...

Tales of Suspense #40
2nd Iron Man, 1st gold armor

Lowest price $150

Average price $600

Record price $35,000

One issue later, rather like the Hulk turning green, Iron Man became gold!

His armor would remain unchanged for an incredible 7 more issues.

Tales of Suspense #41
3rd Iron Man

Lowest price $125

Average price $400

Record price $24,150

The third appearance of Iron Man.

Tales of Suspense #42

Lowest price $50

Average price $400

Record price $11,250

The early appearances of Iron Man in Tales of Suspense were not really remarkable, with no new villains or major plot points.

Tales of Suspense #43
1st Guardsman

Lowest price $75

Average price $300

Record price $7,700

Guardsman is a new villain. What do I know about him? About as much as you do. Which says it all.

Tales of Suspense #44
Captain America appearance

Lowest price $50

Average price $500

Record price $16,700

Iron Man and Cap would go on to co-star in this series a year or so later. See below.

Tales of Suspense #45
1st Pepper Potts and Happy Hogan;
1st Jack Frost

Lowest price $150

Average price $700

Record price $24,000

Love interest Pepper Potts (played in the MCU by Gwyneth Paltroe) appears for the first time in this issue. Also Happy Hogan, who you may recall from cameos in various MCU properties.

Jack Frost was the nickname for the villain Gregor Shapanka. His cold-generating battle suit helped him to commit crimes.

Tales of Suspense #46
1st Crimson Dynamo

Lowest price $30

Average price $250

Record price $12,700

Crimson Dynamo is a B-list Iron Man villain whose race was pretty much run by the Bronze Age.

Tales of Suspense #47
1st Melter

Lowest price $50

Average price $300

Record price $9,500

This is the last appearance of the gold Iron Man armor, and the first appearance of the Melter.

Tales of Suspense #48
New-look red and gold Iron Man armor

Lowest price $40

Average price $600

Record price $33,600

After the gray and gold versions, this red and gold armor became the signature look for Iron Man comic books, and even into the MCU.

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Tales of Suspense #49
Angel vs Iron Man

Lowest price $50

Average price $150

Record price $16,700

One of my favorite X-Men crossover covers, featuring the classic red and gold Iron Man armor.

Tales of Suspense #50
1st Mandarin

Lowest price $80

Average price $600

Record price $15,000

Mandarin has appeared twice in the MCU, once as an imposter in an Iron Man movie, the other as the antagonist to Shang-Chi.

Tales of Suspense #52
1st Black Widow

Lowest price $200

Average price $1,200

Record price $28,800

There is a case that Black Widow is an anti-hero at her introduction.

But you can't deny that she went on to join the Avengers, and became an important hero in the fight against Thanos.

Tales of Suspense #57
1st Hawkeye

Lowest price $60

Average price $900

Record price $102,000

Another critical member of the Avengers, Hawkeye starred in several MCU movies. The future of the character seems to be with his daughter.

Tales of Suspense #58
Iron Man vs Captain America

Lowest price $30

Average price $250

Record price $13,000

Becoming co-stars of Tales of Suspense in the next issue, this issue sees Iron Man and Captain America fighting each other instead!

Tales of Suspense #63
Origin of Captain America retold

Lowest price $25

Average price $200

Record price $10,750

The cool backstory to Cap has been told in the MCU. Here it is retold in the Tales of Suspense series.

Iron Man #1
1st in solo Iron Man comic books series

Lowest price $175

Average price $600

Record price $106,000 (CGC 9.9);
$52,800 (CGC 9.8)

Weirdly, Iron Man and Sub-Mariner #1 (see below) was published just before this #1 Iron Man comic book. This series eventually led to the introduction of Thanos (see below) amongst others.

Iron Man and Sub-Mariner #1
Pre-dates Iron Man #1

Lowest price $40

Average price $300

Record price $40,000 (CGC 9.9);
$20,300 (CGC 9.8)

If you think this is a strange combination, then you're not alone (especially when you see Iron Man #54). This hit the newsstands before Iron Man #1.

Iron Man #54
1st Moondragon; Sub-Mariner battle

Lowest price $20

Average price $70

Record price $1,600

Moondragon's first appearance co-incides with the Iron Man and Sub-Mariner battle cover story.

Not such great buddies after all, it seems.

Iron Man #55
First Blood Brothers and Thanos

Lowest price $100

Average price $500

Record price $7,750

Thanos famously snapped his fingers and made half the universe die in the Endgame saga.

Blood Brothers also debut here. They are ape-like aliens who serve Thanos.

Iron Man #128
Classic alcoholism story

Lowest price $5

Average price $150

Record price $1,200

The thorny topic of alcohol abuse makes this a very collectible late Bronze Age issue.

Iron Man #282: 1st War MachineIron Man #282: 1st War Machine. Click for an Iron Man comic books appraisal

Iron Man #282
1st War Machine

Lowest price $10

Average price $80

Recent 9.8 Sale $180

Record price $800

War Machine became the future of Iron Man comic books, especially after the death of Tony Stark two issues later.

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Other Iron Man Comic Books

Avengers #1
First appearance of the super team

Lowest price $1,000

Average price $3,500

Record price $432,000

The Avengers are the foundation of the Marvel Cinematic Universe since 2012. Thor was a founder member of the team and went on to star in his own series of MCU movies.

Hulk fell out with the team and fought against them alongside Sub-Mariner not long after issue #1.

Avengers #4
Captain America returns
1st Baron Zemo

Lowest price $400

Average price $1,800

Record price $108,000

Captain America is freed from his long slumber in a block of Arctic ice, and returns to join the Avengers. A massively important Silver Age key issue.

Marvel Collector's Item Classics #1
Reprints Iron Man comic books

Lowest price $5

Average price $100

Record price $2,100

As collectors became priced out of Silver Age key issues, reprint series like this one have grown in value.

Iron Fist #1
Iron Man vs Iron Fist

Lowest price $10

Average price $110

Record price $2,400

The first issue of this standalone series, which brought Iron Fist out of the Marvel Premiere series, features a classic match-up with Iron Man.

Marvel Tales #1
Reprints origins of Iron Man, Spider-Man, Thor, Hulk, Ant-Man and more

Lowest price $50

Average price $350

Record price $9,500

If you can't afford one of the true Marvel mega-keys, then this reprint issue is a great way to read those origin stories!

Captain Marvel #14
Iron Man vs Captain Marvel

Lowest price $5

Average price $40

Record price $2,000

Another great battle between two of Marvel's heroes.

Daredevil #73
Iron Man crossover story vs Zodiac

Lowest price $5

Average price $40

Record price $1,150

The middle episode of a three-issue epic story, in which Iron Man comic books cross over into Daredevil.

Defenders #9
Iron Man/Avengers crossover

Lowest price $5

Average price $70

Record price $500

The Avengers appear in the Defenders comic in a crossover story.

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